Voice of the People 07/15/22 | Letters To Editor | leadertelegram.com

2022-07-15 19:58:06 By : Mr. Nick liu

Let’s prepare for their return

In 2016 at Standing Rock, I learned from the native population that “water is life.” Recently, in Eau Claire, I learned from a corporation that “water is gold.”

While it is nice to have gold, it can also be a curse, especially for “nonwhites,” who have had riches taken at little benefit and frequent detriment. However, proved recently, white people have some power over corporate greed. Eau Claire and Standing Rock both said “no” with vastly different results, at least in the short term. But they will come back here because we have the “gold.”

Next time our opening demand should be 10 times what citizens pay for our life-giving resource. If that is unacceptable, they can let the door to our little paradise hit them on the way out. I might be OK with getting five times what our consumers pay, but I doubt there would be any takers, so problem solved again.

On the other hand, we could start a community-owned bottling company. We set the limits and provide our own, easily recycled glass bottles, and we have lots of unused sand. All profits and control stay local, and I’ve heard how much we need the money. Add great local jobs and a wonderful marketing opportunity for our community and it’s all good. Plus, we can manipulate supply, occasionally shout “shortage” and randomly raise the price. How does a new pool sound? Such a plan works for the state of North Dakota. Profit from the sale of (socialist) Dakota Maid flour, an excellent product on local shelves, is returned to those good people through their state-owned (socialist) Bank of North Dakota.

Please produce a plan for when they return. Of course, with the present SCOTUS, we may all become Standing Rock.

I think the city should cut its losses and finish the parking ramp above the new transit center and abandon the apartments above that.

Who would want to live above the noise and fumes from below? I’m not happy to see my tax money going to that boondoggle.

President Joe Biden has made it clear. In his executive order he does not agree with the Supreme Court’s inane ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade. And thousands of women don’t agree with it either.

Just take a look at the protests occurring in the U.S. Anybody who can’t figure out that women are ticked off has to be some kind of a fool.

In his executive order, Biden is:

• Protecting access to reproductive health services.

• Safeguarding access to medication abortion and emergency contraception.

• Bolstering the security of the legal options available to those seeking abortion services.

Biden supports freedom of choice. So do thousands of women. Those who support the Supreme Court’s ruling made by a cabal of doddering old men do not support a woman’s freedom to choose.

Ultimately, God is in control

For years some climate research groups have been pushing their beliefs that our planet is heating up. It is referred to as global warming.

Many scientists have disputed these claims. Rather than admitting their claims were untrue, these groups changed the name to climate change.

Our environmental extremist groups have successfully lobbied certain lawmakers to enact laws and regulations that are strangling our businesses and many have elected to move to Mexico or Asia. They claim they have a plan to control the upper climate that surrounds our planet. With this control they claim many terrible storms and other disasters could be prevented. They feel man has direct control over his or her destinies.

We need to realize there is only one who controls our planet’s temperature and weather: God. He has been in control since the beginning of time and will be until the end of time. Could God be punishing us for the terrible events taking place in our world? The Freedom from Religion Foundation in Madison is continuously working to remove any mention of God from public places. The reliance on drugs, millions of abortions, excessive greed, lack of accepting responsibility, continuous lying, deviant sexual behavior, and lack of prayers and obedience to His Ten Commandments surely must displease our Lord.

Now we have woke, CRT, cancel culture, the belief there are more than two sexes, a continuous push to remove Christianity and our family values, and corruption in government. This must be very displeasing to our Lord.

When we install the name of God in our public places, start praying more and improve our moral standards, we could enjoy a much improved environment in our our world at no cost. It is very important that we strive to increase God’s approval and blessings upon our lives.

An argument for new gun law

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution has associated legal regulations. These include (with some state-regulated exemptions) the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968 that says, amongst other categories, felons and the mentally defective cannot legally possess firearms. The National Firearms Act of 1934 says it is illegal to possess a sawed-off shotgun or fully automatic firearm without a federal permit to do so.

So, the Second Amendment is regulated. Also, federal and state regulations apply to waterfowl hunting; that is, you cannot legally hunt waterfowl with a shotgun that can hold more than three shells, unless you plug it with a one-piece filler that cannot be removed without disassembling the gun.

I propose that there be enacted a federal law that would make it a Class C felony offense to possess any firearm that has the ability to hold more than six rounds of ammunition. This includes firearms that have a magazine or any other device that can be attached, by any means, which allows a firearm to be able to hold more than six rounds of ammunition. This law would allow firearms currently legally owned to remain legal by using five round-limited magazines and firearms with tubed magazines to have the tube shortened or permanently plugged to allow them to hold no more than five rounds of ammunition.

Firearm and firearm component manufacturers and sellers/dealers would be considered in possession of illegal firearms or components when manufacturing or selling such firearms/components, according to this law. Of course, on-duty military and law enforcement members would be exempt.

So, some can argue that with this law only crooks will have illegal firearms. Yes, they would be Class C felons.

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